Specialists behind the scenes
You'll also be assigned a UCS Contract Manager. As a matter of
principle, we ensure that your contract Manager only looks after a limited
number of clients. It's a ratio that's very low compared to others in our
industry. In addition, our team of experts in areas such as Health & Safety,
Employment Law, Recruitment, Finance, Surveys and Installation, Electronics
and more are on hand with support and advice when you need them.
As well as a talented team of security professionals, UCS Security relies
on stateof- the-art technology to support its management systems. Time Gate
is an advanced solution that enables us to successfully manage staffing levels
in real time. Using the system, we can plan routines and special measures in
advance, making sure you always have trained personnel in the right place at
the right time, together with a backup plan that is ready to swing into action
should the unexpected happen.
Regular Reviews
Providing strategic direction to the development of our business, they'll
also meet regularly with you to look after yours.
They'll listen to and sort out the big issues, while your dedicated
manager works at the coal face. Agreeing and implementing detailed Service
Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for each of
the security services you've opted for.Depending on your requirements, the
following meetings will be put in place:
Quality Review Meetings
Monthly or quarterly, your CSM will meet with key personnel you have
assigned. Also present at least once a quarter will be one of UCS Senior
Managers or Directors. These minuted meetings will provide an opportunity to
farmally review all aspects of the contract.
Quality Performance Review
Annually, we invite our clients to complete an in-depth questionnaire that
covers areas as diverse as training and contract performance, down to
feedback on our Officer's appearance and their attitude to staff and visitors.
Quality Audits
We will carry out regular checks to ensure our standards never flag.
These Independent audits and carried out by personnel who are not involved
in the Contract. UCS Quality, Health & Safety and Trainer will also carry out a
separate quarterly review.
SLAs and KPI
Integral to our Security Management systems, these clearly define what we
will deliver and monitor how well we do it. Long before you sign a contract with
UCS you will know exactly what you can expect from us and what we have
committed to. Our Service Level Agreements are tailored to your
organisation's needs, to your infrastructure, your premises and your people.
Then, as the contract gets underway, we start to measure these Service
Levels using Key Performance Indicators to make sure we meet and exceed
your expectations. In the process, we measure the effectiveness of each
individual Security Officer as well as our performance overall against the
contract's Assignment Instructions and agreed Service Level Agreements.